Facebook Twitter Reddit Net Worth: $151,905,938,082 Satoshi's Billions Bitcoin Price: $98,439.29 3537 attempts
Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, has $151 Billion dollars worth of Bitcoin stashed away that's been dormant for over 10 years now.

We've found them all and now you can try to unlock them.

Click spin and we'll generate a random password and test it against all those accounts.
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What is this site?
Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin. Satoshi has around $151,905,938,082 (yep BILLIONS!) worth of Bitcoin locked away in different wallets. We've compiled a list of all the wallets suspected to be generated by Satoshi and we're giving you a chance to try and unlock them. Our system will randomly generate a password and attempt to unlock all of the suspected accounts.
How does it work?
Click the spin button and the site will generate a password and test against all known accounts. If you match one, we'll display details about how to unlock the wallet. If you don't match one, we'll let you know how close you got. You are free to try as many times as you like and it's always free to try!
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Elon Musk$321,660,965,000
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Satoshi Nakamoto$151,905,938,082
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